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Nog een GoldenEye interview

Door Joni Philips op 02-06-2004 om 14:48
Bron: CVG

GoldenEye: Rogue Agent is een nieuwe James Bond game van EA. Deze keer speel je echter een ontslagen MI6 agent en niet James Bond.

'Computer and Videogames' had een interview met Chris Plummer, Producer bij het productieteam achter GoldenEye: Rogue Agent.

To begin at the beginning

"GoldenEye: Rogue Agent is a game we've been holding in secret for about a year and a half. This is a game all about being the ultimate villain in the Bond universe - that's the concept... There's something very exciting about the proposition of being able to step into the dark side of the Bond world and tap into everything that makes that such a great place and doing without the stuffy restrictions of being Bond."

Bond-ing with the villainy

"In the very first mission in the game you're flying into Fort Knox with James Bond reliving one of the most famous sequences from the film Goldfinger - Operation Grandslam. This is your first mission in the game but your last mission as an MI6 agent.

"You're kicked out - you're too aggressive, you're too brutal, you're not MI6 material. Like Alex Trevelyan in GoldenEye you take a step over to the dark side and go to work for Goldfinger.

"Goldfinger is one of the most famous villains in the Bond universe, and one of the things that we're doing very deliberately is tapping into this rich fiction that is the Bond universe in a way that no game has done before.

"If you think about the Bond films, they're not sequels to one another. Bond is the same age in 1963 as he is in 2003, and it's a timeless universe much like superhero fiction is, and you've seen the volcano lair and the Spectre board room and all these places in multiple films where all the villains kind of work together in the same secret organisation, and that is exactly the world that you'll get to tap into in GoldenEye: Rogue Agent.

"You'll definitely get to fight alongside and against some of the most famous villains from the Bond universe, including Odd Job, Xenia Onatopp from the original GoldenEye, who actually works for Dr No in the game, and Jaws who works for lots of different villains in the Bond films. You'll have some pleasant and less than pleasant experiences with Onatopp."

An eye for an eye

"Goldfinger of course is a member of Spectre. The criminal organisation of the Bond universe is at war right now, Dr No and Goldfinger are struggling for power, and in this very first mission Dr No takes out your eye. And Goldfinger's scientists replace it with a cybernetic eye that becomes your namesake and you become the villain that everybody knows and fears as GoldenEye. You'll spend much of the game chasing after Dr No and seeking revenge for taking out your eye."

Location, location, location

"We'll take you around the world as most Bond adventures would take you - places like Hoover dam. If you were a fan of the original GoldenEye you'll know that a dam is a great place to have a shootout. But as the bad guy you of course now get to blow the dam and do all sorts of cool stuff like that.

"Ultimately, the HQ for all the villain activity in the Bond universe, is the volcano lair. This is a place you'll get to experience multiple times in the game. Pussy Galore is your personal pilot. She works for Goldfinger in the film and she'll take you from this volcano lair to all your great missions throughout the game. As you rise up through the ranks you'll get to know Pussy better and better."

GoldenEye - it was great!

"Our team is really passionate about the original GoldenEye game from a gameplay standpoint. That was a very aggressive, run-and-gun style first-person shooter, and to really recreate and do justice to that style of game... And today's technology, when you think about it, is much more detailed, much more graphic.

"James Bond can't really do that stuff, but the villains, that's exactly what they do, and so marrying those two things together we can deliver a style of gameplay that people and know and love about the original GoldenEye and do it in that universe by taking people to the dark side.

"And I think another thing that our team thought was really cool about the original GoldenEye - and this is something we also heard from a lot of GoldenEye fans and just Bond fans in general...

The most powerful plot thread in the original GoldenEye was this idea of a 00 agent gone bad. And what was so cool about it Alex Trevelyan was you knew he was a bad ass because you knew he was trained by MI6 - he was like James Bond, he was as bad as James Bond but went to the dark side. We are essentially letting you live out that role in GoldenEye: Rogue Agent."

The magic formula

"The two most important parts of our game formula are the multiplayer and the E.V.I.L. AI system, so everything touches those in one way or the other. The multiplayer's really important to us because it's what some of us are still playing from time to time with our friends around the couch with the split-screen on the original GoldenEye.

"We have more multiplayer maps than we have campaign maps in the game. All of our game modes can be played in a multiplayer capacity, and when there's not real people there to play against the E.V.I.L. AI will step in for them. That is just something that from day one has been a focus."

Something E.V.I.L. lurks...

"The E.V.I.L. AI - this is what all the game systems basically touch. To make a great first-person shooter experience we needed something to be the centrepiece that everything needs to be focused on and E.V.I.L. AI is that for our game.

"What that stands for is, first it's emotion-based - that's what the 'E' is - all the AIs in the game are basically motivated by real human motivations which the player can exploit. The more you're playing like a villain, the more you can actually exploit those emotions to your advantage.

Essentially what it means is, by using emotions likes pressure, aggression and composure to determine behaviour, it means that the AIs are going to behave somewhat unpredictably but completely believably. That was really important to us, because we wanted encounters to be replayable, we wanted you to never be quite sure what the AI is going to do next. Depending on what other AIs are in the area, they're going to behave differently.

"The 'V' is for visceral. What we mean by that is we wanted all the visceral moments that you get from most first-person shooters that usually come in the form of scripted moments, we wanted those visceral moments to come through the AI instead.

"When my friend calls me up and says 'Dude, this guy grabbed his team mate, freaked out and used him as a human shield', and I'm like 'No, that guy, I capped him in the head and blew up this grenade' or whatever - that's exactly what we want, we want those cinematic moments to happen through the AI instead of through gags.

"We will have scripted sequences, we already have some of that, but most of visceral moments you're going to get in the game are actually coming through the AI, which is completely unique.

"'I' is for their intelligence. They're completely aware and intelligent about their environment and about the player. They will use cover very aggressively, if cover changes in the environment they learn and that's the 'L' part. They learn about how you play, they learn about changes in the environment, they learn what weapon you like to use.

"If you destroy cover in the middle of a room and they were going to use it they won't use it - simple stuff like that that really changes the way a game plays out, the way a particular encounter plays out. They'll use death traps against you, all that sort of thing."

The team's a scream

"Our team has really assembled to focus on gameplay, and we're tapping into the Bond universe in a way that no game has in the past and we're really proud about that but at the end of the day when you've got the word 'GoldenEye' associated with your game, what people are really looking for is great gameplay and a great first-person shooter experience.

"We've assembled an all-star team from around the EA world and outside of EA, to take on this very important and challenging task which is to create a game that can live up to that.

"We've assembled this group in Los Angeles; it's a new place for us to do the Bond franchise. We have key members from Medal of Honor, animators from Madden. I mean, take your pick, around EA we've picked the best of the best to come together to do this, but we've also recruited from around the industry and from games that we respect the most - lead positions from games like Halo, Counter-Strike; we have all the key guys from Splinter Cell (although game style is obviously very different in Splinter Cell, we respect a lot of what they did in terms of combining technology and gameplay).

"Everyone has one thing in common - they're super-passionate about the original game, and they're super-passionate and committed to making a great first-person shooter. Forget about the licence for a moment and just focus on that. What we've done is dissect the run-an-gun gameplay and tried to basically build on that formula and focus on the fundamentals of making a great first-person shooter."

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GoldenEye: Rogue Agent
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